We Don’t Always See Things The Same Way With The 11-Minute Essay

11-Minute Essay

Truism-How is that true? Movie-How is that true? Book-How is that true? Inspiring People- How is that true? I wonder…

We don’t all see things the same way.We cannot see things the same way because we are all different. Each person has their own beliefs, experiences, and point of view.

In the movie, The Beautiful Mind, the main character saw the things completely different than those around him. He made up characters and situations that didn’t really exist. He, however, thought that they were real.

In the book entitled the Tenth Good Thing About Barney, a little girl lost her cat due to old age. She is extremely sad because he died. She argues with her best friend about where cats go when they die. Her friends said that cats go to heaven, eat tuna, and drink milk. The girl said that cats go in the ground. They both had different opinions. They didn’t see things the same way.

Dr. Anthony Fauci is an epidemiologist who studies how viruses form and act. He gives advice based on scientific studies. He explains what people should do to protect themselves from the the virus known as COVID-19. Other people who are scientists have their idea about how to stop COVID-19 as well. They see things in different ways.

I wonder if it would be possible to see things completely in the same way. I have big doubts because how can we see things the same way if every person is unique and have different experiences.

Nobody Knows What The Future Holds

Yesterday, my blogging students and I embarked on the second day of exploring the 11-Minute Essay by Gretchen Bernabei. We used a photo and truism to start our thinking. Then we journeyed. It was quite fun! Here are my the tracks of my thinking.

Truism-How is that true?


Movie-How is that true? Book-How is that true? Show-How is that true? I wonder…


Nobody knows what the future holds. Nobody knows because the future has not become present yet. We only know the future when it actually occurs in real time. Many times, it is unpredicable.

In the movie The Incredibles II, no one know in the Incredible family just what power baby Jack-Jack would have since he had never exhibited them yet. However, due to silly situation with a mapache, the little incredible became enfuriated and began to show his powers. Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this. Not only that, but Jack-Jack saved his family in the end. If it weren’t for his new powers of a fireball and invisibility, the family would have perished at the hands of an evil character. In other words, no one saw that coming.

You just never know which videos will go viral on YouTube. One man created a hilarious video of a dog talking. The dog was teased by his owner with bacon. This video received a million views within a few days! It was featured on many popular talk shows including Good Morning America. I bet the man who produced this video never would have guessed that this would happen to him.

The character Francisco in La Mariposa, was a shy character that had difficulty communicating in English with classmates. He was learning English for the first time. Instead of playing outside at recess with his classmates, he stayed inside and took care of his caterpillar friend in a jar. Slowly but surely, Francisco was able to learn more English and make friends. He emerged from his own cocoon at the School, but it took time. No one knew that that would happen so fast.

Now I wonder about things that will happen in the future that we don’t expect. I wonder if we will find a vaccine quickly to Covid-19. I wonder when things will go back to normal. Like many say, the future will tell.

11 Minute Essay-Friends and Family

11 Minute Essay

Truism-How is this true? How is this true in a movie? How is this true in a book? How is this true in history? I wonder


Having friends and family makes everything better. When I am with friends and family, I get to experience life is a nicer and better way. It is always nice to share life’s journey with family and friends.

In the movie Holes, Stanley Yelnats, the main character, is sent to Camp because he stole some shoes. He doesn’t know anyone at this desert camp. He makes friends with one of his camp attendees. This friend makes his experience at the harsh camp survivable. They dig holes together and set off on a crazy adventure. Without his friend, his experience would have been horrible.

In the book titled La Mariposa or Butterfly, Francisco Jimenez, the author, becomes best friends with a caterpillar that he takes care of in a glass jar. Instead of going out to recess with classmates, Francisco stays inside to talk to and take care of the caterpillar. He draws numerous pictures of his friend and wins a blue ribbon in an art contest. Finally, when the caterpillar emerges from pupa to butterfly, he lets his friend go to explore the world.

During Hurricane Harvey, I invited my sister and nephew to ride the hurricane out at my house. We stayed together for almost a week, as Hurricane Harvey flooded most of the Houston area. We even went to a hotel because we thought we might be flooded. Through this experience, we helped each other by talking about the situation, cooking delicious meals, and waking each other up when we had to go seek shelter in the closet during tornado warnings. Without them, it would have been difficult to face Hurricane Harvey. They made me laugh too with this crazy stories and jokes.

I sometimes wonder what and how my life would be different without friends and family. I know that I would be lonely and my life would be dull and boring. They bring meaning to my life. I love having friends and family near me.


One of my favorite memories of my daughter growing up was watching her watch Disney’s Robinhood. I bet she watched it over a zillion times. She loved all the animal characters. At the beginning and end of the movie, you see little animals chasing each other over and over. She would laugh over and over at those parts. In fact, I believe that those were her favorite parts. Because of her laughter and joy, I can safely put Disney’s Robinhood at the top of my cartoon movie playlist. I had the movie in VHS. I suppose I could get it digitally now. I don’t have a VHS player anymore. Hmmm. I wonder where I could buy one for posterity sake?  Amazon? We’ll see.

What Is One Of Your Favorite Books?


What is your question?

Answer the question.

How do you know?

Huh? What does that mean?

How else do you know?

What does that mean?

Your answer is…

One of my favorite books is Knucklehead.

Knucklehead is hilarious.

In Knucklehead, Jon Scieszka writes about his funny adventures of growing up with 5 brothers in Michigan.

Jon Scieszka finds himself in precarious situations with his brother Jim. Jim was older and always got Jon into some type of trouble such as the time when Jim broke the legs off the couch. Jim blamed Jon for it.

Knucklehead is one of my favorite books!