11 Minute Essay-Friends and Family

11 Minute Essay

Truism-How is this true? How is this true in a movie? How is this true in a book? How is this true in history? I wonder


Having friends and family makes everything better. When I am with friends and family, I get to experience life is a nicer and better way. It is always nice to share life’s journey with family and friends.

In the movie Holes, Stanley Yelnats, the main character, is sent to Camp because he stole some shoes. He doesn’t know anyone at this desert camp. He makes friends with one of his camp attendees. This friend makes his experience at the harsh camp survivable. They dig holes together and set off on a crazy adventure. Without his friend, his experience would have been horrible.

In the book titled La Mariposa or Butterfly, Francisco Jimenez, the author, becomes best friends with a caterpillar that he takes care of in a glass jar. Instead of going out to recess with classmates, Francisco stays inside to talk to and take care of the caterpillar. He draws numerous pictures of his friend and wins a blue ribbon in an art contest. Finally, when the caterpillar emerges from pupa to butterfly, he lets his friend go to explore the world.

During Hurricane Harvey, I invited my sister and nephew to ride the hurricane out at my house. We stayed together for almost a week, as Hurricane Harvey flooded most of the Houston area. We even went to a hotel because we thought we might be flooded. Through this experience, we helped each other by talking about the situation, cooking delicious meals, and waking each other up when we had to go seek shelter in the closet during tornado warnings. Without them, it would have been difficult to face Hurricane Harvey. They made me laugh too with this crazy stories and jokes.

I sometimes wonder what and how my life would be different without friends and family. I know that I would be lonely and my life would be dull and boring. They bring meaning to my life. I love having friends and family near me.